On this page, you will find some of the projects I have been working on over the years. Some are finished, some are in the works, and some will never be completed.
Open source modules for tracking animal behavior and closed-loop stimulation based on Open Ephys and Bonsai (2018). Buccino, Alessio Paolo; Lepperød, Mikkel Elle; Dragly, Svenn-Arne; Häfliger, Philipp; Fyhn, Marianne & Hafting, Torkel. Journal of Neural Engineering. doi: 10.1088/1741-2552/aacf45
Experimental directory structure (Exdir): An alternative to HDF5 without introducing a new file format (2018). Dragly, Svenn-Arne; Mobarhan, Milad; Lepperød, Mikkel Elle; Tennøe, Simen; Fyhn, Marianne; Hafting, Torkel & Malthe-Sørenssen, Anders. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2018.00016
Neuronify: An educational simulator for neural circuits (2017). Dragly, Svenn-Arne; Mobarhan, Milad; Solbrå, Andreas Våvang; Tennøe, Simen; Hafreager, Anders; Malthe-Sørenssen, Anders; Fyhn, Marianne; Hafting, Torkel & Einevoll, Gaute. eNeuro. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0022-17.2017
Experimental Directory Structure (Exdir) is an open data storage specification for experimental pipelines. Exdir uses the same abstractions as HDF5 and is compatible with the HDF5 Abstract Data Model, but stores data and metadata in directories instead of in a single file. Exdir uses file system directories to represent the hierarchy, with metadata stored in human-readable YAML files, datasets stored in binary NumPy files, and raw data stored directly in subdirectories.
This is a collaborative project with my colleagues at CINPLA, Univeristy of Oslo.
Neuronify is an educational neural network app that gives intuition for how neurons and neural networks behave. It is a collaborative project that I worked on with my colleagues at CINPLA, Univeristy of Oslo.
You can use it to combine neurons with different connections, just like the ones we have in our brain, and explore how changes on single cells lead to behavioral changes in important networks.
A molecular dynamics simulator and visualizer for desktop and mobile devices. It is a collaborative project that I worked on with my good friend and colleague, Anders Hafreager.
Developed with Qt and OpenGL.
Download it from Google Play or iTunes App Store.
Open Ephys closed-loop stimulation tracking plugin
Open source modules for tracking animal behavior and closed-loop stimulation based on Open Ephys and Bonsai. This was a collaborative project with my colleagues at CINPLA, Univeristy of Oslo.
Master’s thesis projects
I created three software projects for my Master’s thesis, one Hartree-Fock code named Kindfield, a molecular dynamics simulator named Emdee and a set of
Python tools to bridge the two with artificial neural networks, named FANN-MD.
A game for Android, Ubuntu and Nokia N9 and N900 that I made with Qt some years ago.
Journey Planner for Norway
I made Journey Planner for Norway for the Nokia N900 some years back, based on the open data provided by Ruter.
Maemo users may download the application here.